
Version: 1.7.47
Required minimum memory: 256MB
Last updated 23 Oct 2024

Recent Changes


Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible, file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are already up and running. It follows similar principles to other flat-file CMS platforms, but has a different design philosophy than most. Grav comes with a powerful Package Management System to allow for simple installation and upgrading of plugins and themes, as well as simple updating of Grav itself.


The underlying architecture of Grav is designed to use well-established and best-in-class technologies to ensure that Grav is simple to use and easy to extend. Some of these key technologies include:

  • Twig Templating: for powerful control of the user interface
  • Markdown: for easy content creation
  • YAML: for simple configuration
  • Parsedown: for fast Markdown and Markdown Extra support
  • Doctrine Cache: layer for performance
  • Pimple Dependency Injection Container: for extensibility and maintainability
  • Symfony Event Dispatcher: for plugin event handling
  • Symfony Console: for CLI interface
  • Gregwar Image Library: for dynamic image manipulation

Install Grav in a few minutes on your server with Cloudron. To install Cloudron first, follow our setup steps.
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