
Version: 1.13.1
Required minimum memory: 256MB
Last updated 9 Jan 2024

Recent Changes

  • Update Koel to 6.12.1

  • Full changelog

  • fixed: broken profile updating by @phanan in 991e548da5a5bb1bbbd735a52d603233c8749806

  • fixed: exclude non-played songs from recently/most played list by @phanan in 7f929f5ad60b472c01cd66ee3681ae4c390c02e9

Koel (also stylized as koel, with a lowercase k) is a simple web-based personal audio streaming service written in Vue on the client side and Laravel on the server side. Targeting web developers, Koel embraces some of the more modern web technologies – CSS grid, audio, and drag-and-drop API to name a few – to do its job.

The Story of Koel

My laptop went out of disk space – thank you, Parallels. My phone has only 16GB of storage. And I still have a good 40GB of mp3 stored in my external hard drive. So I started looking out for an open source, or at least free, music streaming application that I can make use of. I found a few. Alas, none was good enough! In my desperation I asked myself this question: "Heck, why not build one?" And so koel was born.

And why "koel"? It’s the name of a bird who sings non-stop near my place back in Singapore.

Install Koel in a few minutes on your server with Cloudron. To install Cloudron first, follow our setup steps.
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